Monday, June 13, 2011

Moving Out....again.

So, it's been nearly a year since we moved into this large house with too many rooms. It's been a long year. I started a new school which I have mixed feelings about, I found my scissor sister, I took my work places, and I found myself. Now, Van and I are moving into a smaller apartment, where we plan to save a shit-ton of money (that's an approximate number) and decide on a few things. One thing we're waiting o is to see if he gets a job in Seattle. If not, there are a few more he really has his eyes on, and if he doesn't get any of those, we're saving up and moving next year when this lease is over. One way or another, guarenteed, I will be in Seattle for my 25th birthday. This coming year will be amazing, regardless, for a couple of reasons. One, my best friend, Leanne, and I, are finally getting our music off of the ground, I can feel it. She's on her keyboard, and me learning a few instruments and planning on mastering the MacBook beat maker - we're going to be amazing. I really trust her as an artist and as a soul - and I don't trust a lot of people - none really. I feel so blessed by the goddess and the Universe that she and I are friends, she's definitely been a rock for me the last fews months, and I can't get over the laughs! (Not a lot of people compel me to use an exclamation point) Also, she, Van and I, are working on a big video project. Leanne is also an amazing writer, and she and I are going to write scripts and stories of people, and act them out. She and I, and Van, are both itching to perform. So, fuck it, we're going to do it ourselves. It'll be a beautiful mockumentary, I can feel it. That's another thing - I'm branching out and learning all new different forms of art. I used to just limit myself to painting - but I think that's because I was scared to try anything. I'm not really scared of anything like that anymore. I'm learning video cutting software, mastering a camera, and now I'm working with Andrew Giovinni, who is an amazing photographer and plans to teach me a lot - and then, get my own show in his gallery on Martin St.
What else?
Oh, yeah. This year, I was able to re-connect with some great people. My other best friend, Jessica, found me on Christmas Day (when I was terribly lonely and sad) through an email, and we became friends again. I missed her so much the year prior, and I love her so much, because she is a FUCKING GENIUS AND A BEAUTIFUL SOUL. And my ex-boyfriend, or whatever you want to call him, Will, and I reconnected. We're not like, chummy or anything, but it's nice to know that I can wave hello or something. It's nice to see how he's blossomed and how amazing a life he's built for himself, in a way, I'm proud.
I am really ready to put my foot in the ground and walk on it this year. I've become so much more aware of myself and others, and I'm kind of adamant in the fact that I'm not going to do anything i don't want to do anymore. I've said good-bye to a fw people that I realized that I don't want or need in my life anymore. Some friends that have exposed themselves this year to be nothing but followers, that were never my real friends, liars, fakes, and plain un-interesting (no matter how hard they try to be cool - they never will be, it's sad.).

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