- At how many people are educators, or call themselves educated people, yet they can't spell the simplest of words.
- How people who have known me for years still write my name like, "Elise" instead of the correct, 'Elyse". From now on, I am going to purposefully misspell your names. It makes me feel like you don't take me seriously enough to learn my name, or that all this time, I've been associating with a retard.
- How mediocre some people are.
- At how a left hand turn completely terrifies people.
- When a drive-thru line is longer than 5 cars, and people still refuse to get out of the fucking car and just 'go in'.
- That some of the most devout Christian's I know are also some of the most petty, egotistical, back-handed, and ugly people I know.
- You are able to call yourself a friend to someone when you basically used them for a year.
- How much I'm going to miss Leanne when I move to Seattle. It's tearing me apart.
- How much I still miss New England - but mostly the seasons and landscape, not really the memories.
- That weed is still illegal, but alcohol is not.
- At how much I don't care about the Casey Anthony trial.
- Or any trial unless I'm in it, or it effects my civil rights.
- How some people think they can lead a revolution, but never leave their bedroom.
- How some people don't realize that one day, they will be alone. So they better start learning how to take care of themselves.
- How you really don't think anyone suspects that you're in love and/or mind-fucking your brother.
- That you aren't willing to get healthy.
- That you make promises but you sure as hell never keep them.
- That some days my opinion matter s to you, and other days, it's not even acknowledged.
- That you think you're smarter than me. Just because you can do a math problem doesn't mean you are. It means you can follow directions. I suggest you join the Marines, they love people who follow directions.
- How I never trusted you.
- How badly I still miss my father, that I cry once a week when no one is around.
- At how badly I hurt you.
- At how much you've changed for the better since I've hurt you, and how proud I am of you. And jealous.
- How delusional you are about yourself.
- At how you should really stop wearing heels, you look like a water buffalo who was given two legs by Ursula - but you don't know how to walk with them.
- At how you can actually call yourself a witch. It disgusts me.
- How you can call yourself anything but a liar. I've never seen your real personality, style, or sense of humor - because they don't exist.
- At how much I love my dog Taco.
- At how much I hate salad.
- At how much I love music and theater, but that I don't care if I ever get paid for doing either one.
- At how much I want to be an artist - and not really anything else.
- At how much I don't want children, or really like any of them.
- At how people use the term 'simple-minded' when they really mean, 'close-minded'.
- At how I never get tired of fountain diet cokes.
- At how often I youtube 'Are You Afraid Of The Dark?"
- At how scared I am to start over - AGAIN.
- At how bad I never, ever want to work in a shopping Mall.
- At how much I hate having a boss at all.
- At how often I say, 'Fuck You.'
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